Sun 28 October 2001 || View discussion thread here.

What do you get when you cross a Goth, a premed student with a moustache, an up-n-coming film mogul with a letter for a name, and a greasy guy that favors capris and laceless sneakers?


A day out in the cemetery with the Activity Enthusiasts League!

Indeed...with the leaves falling, candles flickering inside roughly carved pumpkins and and the late October winds blowing chill...the AEL took to Brooklyn for a Sunday wander through NYC's oldest and creepiest graveyard. In true League style, these intrepid explorers turned their back on the more obvious, commercial "Big Onion Tour" and chose to make their way through the winding stone paths of the Green-Wood cemetery. There were thrills, chills, and photo ops-a-plenty...not to mention a bang up meal at a local Mexican joint...

ahhh...tales to be told...

And how did it happen? How did they get there? They just logged on and posted...

In Attendance:
betty lebieux | cappy | rockman | spookylove