Monkeylove started as a joke...a sham...a deception. Wouldn't it be
funny if we created a mailing list and website for people who were crazy
about monkeys and attracted some unsolicited members who really loved
monkeys? The plan was to impersonate a group of people who had monkeys
as pets; sending email tips about cures for diaper rash, sharing the
latest and greatest monkey chow recipe and comparing stories about the
crazy antics of our loveable pets. If our stories and tips were believable
enough and we played the part to a tee, at some point we would start
attacting members who actually owned monkeys as pets!
Over the course of chatting about our imaginary monkeys for months
on end, we were unsuccesfull in luring true monkeylovers to our list.
But, of course this story does have a bright side; after a year of
telling stories about our monkeys we actually stated to really
love monkeys! All of the members of monkeylove became true monkeylovers.
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